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Trademark Registration

A trademark can be defined as the unique identity which can be a logo, photograph, slogan, word, sound, smell, colour combination or graphics or any similar form of expression. For businesses, thier logo is what the masses see and is extremely important for securing a unique and separate identity, and so most business register their logo which becomes a business’s intellectual property or intangible asset when registered. Registration acts as a protective cover of the company’s investment made in the logo or brand and gives the company the right to sue anyone who tries to copy or use a similar trademark. In India, trademarks are registered under The Trademark Act, 1999 and are valid till 10 years upon complete registration with the ‘R’ symbol.

One Person Company

A new concept was introduced in 2013 in the Companies Act under Section 2(62) wherein a company can be formed with just 1 Director and 1 member, where the compliance requirements are lesser than that of a private company and this type of company is called a One Person Company (OPC). In OPC the person has Limited Liability for the shares he/she hold in the incorporated company, while also being the only shareholder. The primary reason for choosing OPC registration is that the a single person having a business idea that can represented in a corporate format and the idea is enough to start the company and is especially helpful when ine has limited resources and no time to find more partners.